5 Tips for Living your Best Life on Campus

 Moving away from home can be wonderful and scary all at the same time. You are now the adult in situations where you need an adult. College is full of all these new experiences and you will grow more and more with each semester.

Here are my top five tips and tricks for people who are attending South for the first time.

1.) Talk to your roommate before you move in together. If you talk to them beforehand you will be able to get a better sense of who they are and what they like. It will surely save some headache in the future when you have ended up with two shower curtains and 12 rugs.

2.) Talk to your roommate about the hard stuff and make a roommate contract. Find out if they are a morning person or a night person. If they need absolute quiet when they study or if they like to listen to music. Who will clean what and even who will take out the trash. Once you move in your RA will be able to help you more with a roommate contract, all you have to do is ask.

3.) Look into your Housing Contract and see what you can and can not have in your room. There is nothing that people hate more than purchasing something they think they can have and then having to get rid of it when Health and Safty Inspections come around because it is against Housings policy.

4) Check your Jagmail and the Daily Digest for cool things around campus. There are always new things popping up.

5.) Have Fun!! College is here to prepare you for what is coming in life! Go out, meet new people, and get involved!


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